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Ask any adult what they would want on behalf of the next generation and they respond similarly around the world: we want our young ones to be happy, healthy, loved and lead meaningful positive lives. We wish the same for ourselves, yet happiness can seem illusory, difficult to achieve or hold onto and in some moments, nearly impossible. Using research from the field of positive psychology and mind/body medicine, Maria explores with us the science of happiness: what we mean by happiness, how to achieve an increasing state of happiness, and how to remove barriers to positivity - such as, just for one example, other people's opinion about who we ought to be now.
We'll examine the art of happiness as well - how each of us is unique in our own journey toward a more optimistic living and why we must choose to mindfully elevate our own wellbeing (not only for ourselves, but on behalf of the larger world too!). And, we'll weave in a bit of vision for ourselves, what it actually might look like to move toward our best selves a little bit each day.
Investment: $75